
Rajeev Ranjan



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Image processing

Producing merged image (c) to show the distributions of two (a & b) different species

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Non Liner Microscope

Nonlinear Microscope

Building a Nonlinear Microscope based on Stimulated Raman Scattering for study of biological imaging

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Optical System Designing

Optical System Designing

Design and development of the optical system

This project leads to design and development of dual field of view optical system for 3 - 5 µm wavelength range. The Field of view (FOV) in narrow mode is 2° whereas FOV in wide mode is 10° giving a magnification of 5X. The detector pixel size is 15 µm x 15 µm. The relative aperture of detector is 3. For making simple and practical priority has been given to use of the conventional lens materials. In order to switch FOV two different optical configurations (multi-configuration) are superimposed and both the configurations are optimized to achieve the diffraction limit of the optical system

Fabrication Platform

Fabrication Platform

Design and fabrication of fiber based Optical sensors Long period optical fiber gratings fabrication platform

Setting up fabrication platform which is easy to set up, flexible and economical fabrication procedure also fabrication is virtually possible in all kind of optical fibers